JIR Grants

Explore the diverse grants offered by the JIR network in pediatric rheumatology and apply to the one that aligns with your expertise to contribute to our CLIPS project, unifying diagnostic procedures, treatment plans, and outcome measures for various inflammatory at an international level.
02/06/24 to 30/09/24 - FRANCE
Application closed
Eligibility : French residents only
Duration : 9 months
Number of grants : 1
Main Mission : Describe the clinical and therapeutic strategies employed by French physicians in the management of Still's disease in both children and adults.
Financial support : € 2700*
€1500 for the CLIPS Core meeting
+ participation in the JIR Winter School.
€1200 for travel and accommodation in Lausanne 1 week STSM in spring 2024.
*Transfered when mission starts
Final Report : Once mission is finished, the grantee is required to present his final data analysis to the FAI2R team (in french) and simultaneously submit a scientific article (in english).
Other events :
Participation in the JIR CLiPS Managing Committee meeting + JIR Winter School March 14th to 17th, 2024 - Les Diablerets, Switzerland
A week in Lausanne between May 13th and June 7th 2024, concurrently with the COST STSM grantees of the international under the guidance of project leaders.
12/05/25 to 06/06/25 - Lausanne, Switzerland
Applications until Sept 27th 2024
Eligibility : Participating + near neighbour COST countries
Duration : 4 weeks
Number of grants : 10 (2 /Working Group)
Mission : Analyse the data collected by CliPS over the last 2 years.
Financial support : € 3000*
* Transfered once the mission has ended and the report has been finalized (see further details in the Final report section).
Final Report : After the STSM is finished, the grantee is required to submit a short scientific report of 2 pages.
Other events :
FAI2R Grant : 02/01/24 to 30/09/24 - France
Passed Grants
COST STSM : 13/05/24 to 07/06/24 - Lausanne, Switzerland