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JIR clinical tools

Clinical tools developed especially for the long term follow-up of patients with rare disease. Integrate your clinical and research work on the same platform and stop making things twice.

Patient mobile App

Disease activity overview

Patient follow-up

Stethoscope sur le cardiogramme

PDF Report creation

Reports are automatically created from the data entered in the forms. These reports can be exported in PDF and Word format.

These documents can then be uploaded on the hospital's electronic health record software, saved on the computer or printed.

There are actually 2 types of reports which are generated:

  • Visit report

  • Adverse Event description

Multi center follow-up

Your patient can be followed by multiple centers using the JIR platform. Each center can view the data added by the other centers following the same patient. In this way they are sure to have up to date data especially for treatment, past adverse events and laboratory results.

Patient mobile app

The JIR mobile app allows the patient to see part of his health record directly on his mobile phone. He can also complete patient questionnaires (JAMAR for JIA patients) before the visit to his physician.

As the health data must always be up to date, the mobile app can only be activated in centers using the JIR platform as an electronic health record.

Home page
Contact page
Reports page
Actual treatment page
Laboratory page
JAMAR Questionnaire start
App activation SMS
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